Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Well it's prom time! For me, that's a first - my oldest daughter is graduating this year and also going to her senior prom. SIGH! This is her dress, although she found it in a lovely bright lime green. Quite princessy and beautiful, no? :) She picked it out after trying on many, many dresses, as she probably had not put on a dress in 5 years or so, but wanted this one to be special.
It needs to be taken in a bit at the bottom, and requires a bit of, ahem, coverage in the low-dip v-neck, but luckily I can do all that. I went out to hunt for a good spool of lime green thread the other day (imagine, why in the world would I not have that on hand, har har) and my great friend had some at her house! So we ended up going out for mall-crawling and girl time anyway. A nice treat.

Thinks at work are super crazy and fun, and luckily (I mean, I consider myself blessed with a capital B) I still love going in to the office everyday. I recently made the change from reporter to managing editor, and am enjoying every whirlwind minute of it. I hope that appreciation lasts for decades! When I think about it, I've always been a newshound, and I've always loved to write (in fact, I've been armchair-editing the very paper where I'm now the managing editor since I was 10 or so, I find that very funny!!) so it's just a good fit, warts and all.

In other news (pardon the pun), the youngest girl just did her Confirmation at church. That's the last of the 3 girls to complete all their church stuff (I know there is a more respectful word for that, but I'm only on my first cup, OK??). So I'm quite proud of her. She was one of only 4 this year, and they also sang in front of the congregation. Her godmother (who also functions as her fairy godmother, and rescuer of people who need lime-green thread) was her sponsor. Although I'm not Catholic myself, it was a beautiful thing to see, and quite important to her as that's the church we go to.

Also this week I got to visit with a classmate who I had not seen in 20 years! She was visiting her mum and dad, so we went over for a cookout and got caught up. My 20th class reunion is coming up next month! Yes, I'm that old!!

Well off to pull the stove out from the wall - I've seen some ants, and need to find out how they are getting in ... and send a note home to their mother to tell them to stay out (or something to that effect).

Till next time!


A Joyful Chaos said...

Spending time at the mall sounds like fun. Having to pull the stove forward to combat ants...not so much!

I've been battling those pesky little critters for several weeks now and am at a loss to know how to win the battle.

Hope you find something that works!


LJ said...

you need ant traps. they're these little tin can type thingies with little holes in them that lure the ants into them. they think it's the hip happening round point their antcestors used to go to.

oldest daughter is going to be beautiful in that dress! I (heart) lime green!!!

your friend sounds wonderful, sure wish I could meet her.

HORIZON said...

Oh, I am so glad to see you blogging again Mama T- l have missed all the smiling l do as l read your posts :D
How fast time flies by - the girls are growing up and fast- beautiful dress and good job on the thread hunt. I'd have a job in this small town finding that colour :)
You ARE blessed to have a job that you love and one where you are needed. I am thinking of going back to get qualified in garden design or if l was brave enough, architecture- but l'm thinking l'm too old to go that far, hmm. Food for thought.
Glad you have a good friend in your life - we all need someone like that- helps smooth the wrinkles.
bests for now :)