Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dorki one Binorki

Saturday night.

My eldest daughter is playing a video game. She says to me, about her game, "Mum... look... that character there is Okie."

I reply (without looking at the screen first), "Is it Okie Ben Binoki?

She looks at me with one eyebrow raised, somewhat puzzled.

I say, "Oh I mean, I mean is it Orkie Ben Binorkie?" I am still totally serious, trying to remember why this sounds familiar.

She squints at the TV screen for a second, then looks at me with a classic lifetime-of-patience expression...
and says slowly, "Are you... referring... to Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

I say "Yes! Right! From Star Trek, right."

Her eyes not wavering from her game, she deadpans: "STAR WARS".

So....I'm officially a dork with a bad memory. *And I LOVED Star Wars.* !?!???!!??

Guess I better start doing brain-enhancing activities before it gets worse...
I hear video games are good for that. :)



LJ said...

Just in time too because at the end of the month Nintendo is releasing a new DSi XL for us older fogies who have a hard time with the littler screens. Check out! I want one but I'm afraid A would steal it.

Jenn said...

LOLOL!!! That gave me a good chuckle...hehe =0)

PeppyPilotGirl said...

ROTFLMAO!! Heh. I think we need more coffee!